.. java:import:: com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser AgGrid .. java:import:: org.hamcrest Description .. java:import:: org.hamcrest Matcher .. java:import:: org.hamcrest TypeSafeMatcher .. java:import:: org.openqa.selenium NoSuchElementException AgGridMatchers ============== .. java:package:: com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.custommatchers :noindex: .. java:type:: public class AgGridMatchers Hamcrest matchers for an AgGrid Methods ------- isPresent ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static Matcher isPresent() :outertype: AgGridMatchers Verify that the grid, as defined, is present in the browser. In case of an assertion error, gives a useful error message. The assertion can be strict, in which case only the defined rows are expected to exist. :return: a Hamcrest matcher