Welcome to DollarX’s documentation!

DollarX is a library dedicated for testing web applications, meant to simplify interactions with the browser and assertions, making it significantly more maintainable, while optimizing performance and minimizing race-conditions. It relies on Selenium WebDriver.


  • Thoughtful, expressive API to define W3C elements and interact with the browser
  • Eliminates race conditions and optimizes performance
  • Easy to use and troubleshoot
  • Works on top of Selenium and integrates easily with its API
  • Easily extensible using utility functions
  • Includes a collection of custom Hamcrest matchers, that are optimized and provide useful error messages
  • Support for visual testing
  • Two flavours: Standard API supports multiple browser instances. Simplified API supports a single instance of browser.
  • Includes Java and Scala implementation (DollarX - Scala, JDollarX - Java)


Basic example:

InBrowserSinglton.driver = DriverSetup.createStandardChromeDriver(); // assuming we have such utility function

// definitions
Path carouselItem = div.withClasses("carousel-cell");
Path viewableItem = carouselItem.withClass("is-selected");

// action

// assertion
assertThat(viewableItem, isPresent(4).timesOrMore());


DollarX has 3 components:

  • Definitions of Paths that defines DOM element
  • Actions in the browser
  • Assertions

As well as several minor components:

  • Visual capture/testing
  • AgGrid interactions and assertions
  • High-level API - for common interactions with various input elements

DOM Path builder based on XPath

  • Flexible API that allows to declare complex xpath easily, and creates immutable objects
  • Grammar is intuitive and similar to English
  • Easy to troubleshoot, since toString() of an element is basically English text
  • Supports almost any relevant xpath(1.0) expression
  • Expandable easily using utility functions
  • “Collaborates” with standard Selenium WebElements
  • Can be used independently from the other DollarX components

Interactions with the browser

  • Relies on the Path Builder

  • Two flavors:

    1. The standard, with multi-browser instances support.
    2. A simplified API package, for a single browser instance

Custom Matchers:

  • Relies on the Path Builder, Browser interactions.
  • Extends Hamcrest and ScalaTest matchers
  • Optimized for performance and atomicity (minimize race condition issues)
  • Provides useful error message for failures
  • Two flavors, similarly to the interaction with the browser
  • The general purpose, standard version, supports assertions in both the browser and a given W3C document

Indices and tables