
public final class CustomElementProperties

Functions to create custom ElementProperty, if the property is unsupported out-of-the-box.



public static <T> Function<T, ElementProperty> createPropertyGenerator(Function<T, String> xpathCreator, Function<T, String> toStringCreator)

Easy way to define a custom property generator that accepts a single parameter. For example:

Function<String, ElementProperty> dataFoo = createPropertyFunc(
                      fooVal -> String.format("[@data-foo=%s]", fooVal),
                      fooVal -> "has Foo " + fooVal );
       Path myDataEl = element.that(hasProperty(dataFoo("bar")));
  • xpathCreator – function that generates the xpath that represents this attribute
  • toStringCreator – function that generates the string (text) representation of this attribute
  • <T> – the type of the parameter the above functions expect

a function that generates an ElementProperty. Use with hasProperty(Function,Object)


public static <T, V> BiFunction<T, V, ElementProperty> createPropertyGenerator(BiFunction<T, V, String> xpathCreator, BiFunction<T, V, String> toStringCreator)

Easy way to define a custom property generator that accepts two parameter. For example:

Function<String, ElementProperty> dataAttr = createPropertyFunc(
                     (attr, val) -> String.format("[@data-%s=%s]", attr, val),
                     (attr, val) -> String.format("has data-%s of %s", attr, val );
      Path myDataEl = element.that(hasProperty(dataAttr("foo", "bar")));
  • xpathCreator – function that generates the xpath that represents this attribute
  • toStringCreator – function that generates the string (text) representation of this attribute
  • <T> – the type of the first parameter the above functions expect
  • <V> – the type of the second parameter the above functions expect

a function that generates an ElementProperty. Use with hasProperty(BiFunction,Object,Object)


public static <T> ElementProperty hasProperty(Function<T, ElementProperty> propertyGen, T t)

Syntactic sugar that allows to define properties of the form:

 role = createPropertyGenerator(....);
element.that(hasProperty(role, "foo"));
  • propertyGen – a function that was generated using createPropertyGenerator()
  • t
    • a parameter the property generator expects
  • <T> – the type of the value to match to

Element property


public static <T, V> ElementProperty hasProperty(BiFunction<T, V, ElementProperty> propertyGen, T t, V v)
  • propertyGen – a function that was generated using createPropertyGenerator()
  • t
    • first parameter the property generator expects
  • v
    • first parameter the property generator expects
  • <T> – the type of the first parameter (t)
  • <V> – the type of the second parameter (v)

Element property